That fig tree chose to sin by not producing fruit. It knew how much Jesus likes figs. But Jesus taught that fig tree a lesson, who's laughing now, fig tree??
Jesus is love, but why did he curse the fig tree?
a lesson in faith He was teaching.
Reply:Jesus used the fig tree as an illustration of the fruitlessness of the contemporary Jewish religious leaders. But the disciples didn't get the analogy. They kept asking how making figs available would increase the people's faith, and wondering aloud whether figs should be sacrificed at the Temple. So he got real angry and kind of overdid the example. They didn't remember anything else that happened that week, but they sure remembered that! "Man! You should have seen it shrivel up! Just like-- schlooorP! It was so cool! You know, they really SHOULD sell figs around here. I don't see why they can't...."
Reply:Because it didn't have fruit ( what it was created for) and since he Jesus was the creator he cursed it.
That's how we are. We are made to produce and if we don't....I think you understand.
No, It doesn't matter what season it is. We still are told to produce fruit.
Reply:As a lesson for believers that they must produce fruit. He freely gives us salvation. What do we do then nothing?
He wants to do works of love - because he already saved us not because they are required. We need to have a character like his.
Reply:Jesus had anger management problems most likely caused by his daddy issues.
Reply:This was the same man who walked on water, inspired fish to jump into a net and multiplied the loaves and fishes. He wasn't use to nature being uncoorperative.
Or perhaps it was just an object lesson.
Reply:Because there was no fruit on it; so it was a waste of the soil.
Reply:The fig tree wasn't literal, it was used as an illustration.
Fig trees don't mature until around June and they get little buds of fruit well before the leaves even appear. So if a fig tree had leaves, it was reasonable to believe it had fruit. This tree particular tree had leaves but no figs; it was unproductive, worthless.
In a neighboring verse, Mark 11:22-25, we have a clue that Jesus was talking about faith. It could be used to move moutains or it could just be an outward show. But what did the withering of this fig tree have to do with faith? it was Jesus’ faith that made the curse effective. It seems that Jesus was using this occasion to provide an object lesson on the power of faith. As Jesus stated: “All the things you pray and ask for have faith that you have practically received, and you will have them.”—Mark 11:24.
There also seems to be another connection between the withering of this fig tree and the quality of faith. Just three months earlier Jesus uttered a parable about an unfruitful fig tree that needed to be cut down. (Luke 13:6-9) The fig tree of this parable was a symbol of the unfruitful ancient Jewish nation. Although this nation had been in a covenant relationship with God, the appearance was deceptive, because they even rejected God’s own Son. For them to feel this way, they had to have lacked faith
By making the tree wither, Jesus was graphically demonstrating what the end result would be for that fruitless, faithless nation.
While the absence of faith can make us fruitless and will only lead to our rejection by God, our possessing an active faith will enable us to ‘move mountains.'
Reply:There is no lack of love in the cursing of the fig tree, if I take the implication of your question correctly.
But it did have a meaning. I can accept this interpretation I found, with slight reservations that shouldn't matter since you're just looking for the general sense :
"Jesus was effectively denouncing Israel’s worship of God. With the cursing of the fig tree He was symbolically denouncing Israel as a nation and in a sense even denouncing unfruitful “Christians.” (That is people who profess to be Christian but have no evidence of a relationship with Christ)." -- Something like that.
It's actually loving of Jesus to show what is wrong so we can be warned. The normal human way is to be steamed and snap out. Jesus lovingly warns.
Reply:To show the power of the tongue.
Did you know that he cursed two fig trees? One dried up over night, and the other dried up immediately. This shows that faith is progressive. The more we use it, the better we get at it.
Mark 11:13-21 This was before he drove the money changers out of the temple.
Mat 21:19-21 This was after he drove the money changers out of the temple.
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