Monday, January 30, 2012

I want to re-pot my ficus benjimanus (weeping fig) which compost and food should I use?

I rescued it from outside my flat. It's in my living room now. Do weeping figs need a particular type of compost, and what food will help it recover best?

UK brands only please.


I want to re-pot my ficus benjimanus (weeping fig) which compost and food should I use?
Hi there, I don't know if you have Miracle Grow there but they make a product called ,"Quick Start". It prevents transplant shock,and promotes root growth. If you don't have that there, use whatever brand you do,just something to help from transplant shock. Then use a good quality potting soil,and mix with it some sand(only a little bit) and use Perilite. One small bag of Perilite to one big bag of potting soil, Follow the directions on the quick start and pour some in the pot after planting. Bye
Reply:The best type of soil for this type of plant is potting mix not compost. Compost is usually used if you are planting outdoor type trees, shrubs etc..

Miracle gro potting mix works great and you can now get it with or without fertilizer. Your local nursery should have it.

I would stick to without fertilizer.....Why you ask? Because the root system needs to expand into the new container.

There is a small risk of burning the root system with potting mix that has fertilizer in it.

Usually 1 or 2 weeks then fertilize with miracle grow all purpose plant food. Perferably the water soluable type.

Make sure the ficus gets plenty of indirect sunlight.

Use the finger method for not that finger.

Stick your pointing finger into the soil if it is moist do not water. If it is dry...Well it's time to water. Pretty simple huh.

Wisdom Teeth

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