Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My fig. 8 puffer won't eat anything except for snails (I have tons). I've been trying to feed krill. help!!

There are other fish in the tank (guppies) and he has started chasing some of them today. but still no go on the krill! should i try a live food? what kind, the petstore didn't have any blackworms, so i went with krill instead... Fortunately i made sure i had TONS of snails before I got him and he's been eating a few of those... and unfortunately one of my ghost shrimp lol... i figured he would on that tho. I have aquarium salt, a filter, tons of plants and little cave-ish areas (which he also ignores lol). not sure what I can do. Oh, and he always swims near the surface of the water, poking his 'nose' at it. Please help!

My fig. 8 puffer won't eat anything except for snails (I have tons). I've been trying to feed krill. help!!
Lets see. Your puffer will kill your guppies. I am not a fan of krill, it has the temdency to make a mess...badly. Snails are puffers favorite, they also really like frozen blood worms. I would make sure you don't have any ammonia/nitrite spikes with the use of the krill, and if he is not eating it stop giving it. After he eats all the snails and your other fish..get him some frozen and freeze dried worms. His behavior sounds pretty normal...they usually like being out in the middle and snooping around the surface for bugs. I have also feed live feeder crickets when they get a bit bigger.
Reply:Let him eat snails,and get another tank for the Guppies.
Reply:My experience with puffers is that they are finicky eaters. Mine would only eat live bloodworms and whatever snails could be found in the tank. As they are predatory fish, I've found that the only way to keep them from being aggressive towards the other fish is to keep more than one in the tank. I had five of them in a tank with other fish and there were no problems. This might just be a singular occurrence of mine, but that's all hope I can offer you.

All, in all, your puffer's behavior sounds pretty normal.
Reply:Snails are puffer fish's natural food, so he will be going for those first.

2nd on the list is probably guppies, those will go next.

He will never have seen a krill before and probably doesn't recognise it as food.

If you have enough snails he can live on them quite happily, but your guppy's days are numbered if they run out.

Reply:Fig. 8 puffer fish actually are suppossed to eat snails as a big part of their diet. They are suppossed to eat krill too but if he's not then just not feed him for a day and then give him the krill. This will change his diet and if he's hungry enough then he will eat the krill. Be sure to continue to feed him snails too because their hard shells will keep his beak trim. Their beaks can overgrow.

He's poking the surface of the water either becuase he sees his reflection or because he could be looking for food.

Also TRY brine shrimp. I'm not sure if he'll go for it but most likely he will. I really hope this helps and good luck!

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