Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why wasn't the fig leave enough, Adam and Eve were sorry weren't they?

Perhaps the deity wanted them to feel an enormous amount of guilt for giving into their natural curiosity. The more shame they felt the easier control he had.

Why wasn't the fig leave enough, Adam and Eve were sorry weren't they?
jim, had adam %26amp; eve been chinese, we'd all be alright. they would have eaten the snake instead of the apple.
Reply:How do you undo a pregnancy?
Reply:Even with repentance, comes having to pay for what we do wrong in the flesh. Before Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of right and wrong, they would have lived forever. But the penalty of sin is death, so they ended the eternal life they could have had.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

But the good news is... that Jesus dying on the cross, renews that opportunity for us to have eternal life in the kingdom of God, through us accepting His son Jesus as our savior, and repenting of our sins to Him. We must turn our lives over to Him, and give up our old life styles and be obedient to God's word.
Reply:Adam and Eve never once said they were sorry. They deliberately disobeyed God and were happy to do it. That is why the world is in the shape it's in. If they had repented and asked to be forgiven or even one of them had repented, we wouldn't have been born because the earth would have been filled to a comfortable level long before we were born. So, I guess, it was a good thing where we are concerned but bad for the world as a whole. Soon, God will finish making the world a paradise by destroying the effects of Adam and Eves sin. God created us to live on a perfect earth and he did not give up on that plan.
Reply:In my opinion, the fig leaf is an incorrect application to the book of Genesis. After eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they realized they were naked and covered up with a fig leaf. Aren't naked bodies a GOOD thing? I always found them to be. Why cover up and hide a good thing?? The writers of the bible screwed up big on that one. Either that or Adam and Eve were ugly as sin. Pun intended.
Reply:When you tell your parents your sorry, don't you still get punished?
Reply:Since the original sin was the 2 LAWS of REPRODUCTION, %26amp; the SERPENT %26amp; EVE partake of it other then just for God's DUE TIME for reproduction, Leaves was not suffienct, It took the blood of a lamb. Those 2 LAWS(TREES) Did Not grow out of the ground %26amp; many think it was an apple they ate, do you know we still eat apples, %26amp; why did Adam tell God that Eve made him eat of the TREE, %26amp; not the Fruit of the tree. Did Adam eat the whole tree . And if Apples was the sin, was did Song of Solomon 2:3-5 say, As the apple tree amoung the trees of the wood, so is my beloved amoung my sons, I sat down under his shadow with great delight %26amp; his fruit was sweet to my mouth. 4: He brought me to the banqueting house %26amp; his banner over me was love. 5: Stay me with Flagons, Comfort me with apples, For I am sick of love. Think about it.
Reply:Actually no, not at first at least. They hid and were ashamed. Then each of them did another badie and tried to push the blame off on the other one. I am sure when they realized the full extent of the punishment they were sorry or sorry that they were being punished at least. Unfortunately the sin corrupted their spirit and inclined them toward sin and it resulted in the corruption of their vehicle of travel: their bodies which then became consigned to corruption too which is death and decay. These things were caused by their actions and is what they would and did hand down to all of their offspring...but if I know humanbeings, they did not consider the consequences of what would happen and they did not stop and contemplate their punishment a whole lot until they started planting and hoeing and giving birth in pain. It probably did not even put an arrow in their hearts toward true sorrow (different than remorse) until they realized Cain killed Abel and somewhat fully realized what the world was becoming.

Would a fig leaf have been sufficient, not by any standard!
Reply:Actually, Adam and Eve never repented. The Genesis account shows the Eve blamed the serpent and Adam blamed God himself by saying "the woman whom You gave me..." (see Genesis 3 %26amp; 4). Because they were now to be put outside the garden where hard work would be required to continue living, God made the provision of clothing (not fig leaves) Genesis 3:21 says?"And Jehovah God proceeded to make long garments of skin for Adam and for his wife and to clothe them." The clothing would serve as a protection against the elements and the other implications of a world soon to be wadding in sin.
Reply:How else can you make the whole mankind be bound to you?
Reply:Well, "sorry" did not do it... they did. There has to be consequences. They disobeyed God. If you disobey your parents would you not be reprimanded? Or were you one of those children who knocked over all the mayonnaise jars off the shelves and still walked out the store with an ice cream cone?


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