Friday, January 27, 2012

Is a Fig a Fruit, I think it is but I want to make sure so I'm asking?

Hi, this is from Wikipedia: "The fig is commonly thought of as fruit, but it is properly the flower of the fig tree. It is in fact a false fruit or multiple fruit, in which the flowers and seeds grow together to form a single mass.

Common Fig fruitThe genus Dorstenia, also in the fig family (Moraceae), exhibits similar tiny flowers arranged on a receptacle but in this case the receptacle is a more or less flat, open surface.

A fig "fruit" is derived from a specially adapted type of inflorescence (structural arrangement of flowers). What is commonly called the "fruit" of a fig is actually a specialized structure- or accessory fruit- called a syconium: an involuted (nearly closed) receptacle with many small flowers arranged on the inner surface. Thus the actual flowers of the fig are unseen unless the fig is cut open. In Chinese the fig is called 'fruit without flower'.

Hope this helps

Is a Fig a Fruit, I think it is but I want to make sure so I'm asking?
Yes, better dried. Good cooked with some brown sugar, a little red wine, butter and topped with cream.
Reply:Yep. It has seeds.

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