Sunday, February 12, 2012

Best method to air layer propogate fiddle leaf fig (ficus)?

I've seen these instructions for air-layering plants:

However, does anyone know if it's better to take the "wooded plant" approach that involves "stripping" the stem, or the "less wooded" approach that involves slicing into the green, new growth?

I have a plant with older wooded growth toward the bottom, and newer green growth above. I'd prefer to propogate the plant starting lower, so that the "new" plant will be larger. But will the propagation have better chances starting from the newer growth?


Best method to air layer propogate fiddle leaf fig (ficus)?
I believe the answer to your question is that the less wooded or green growth will root faster and the older woodier growth will root slower. As long as you keep the wound open with either method and keep the area moist and dark you should be able to achieve success either way.

Good luck!

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