Saturday, February 11, 2012

My dog just ate a whole sleeve of Fig Newtons and the Plastic. Will he be ok?

He's a cocker spaniel

My dog just ate a whole sleeve of Fig Newtons and the Plastic. Will he be ok?
He should be. Not long ago, my sister and I went walking and were followed by her dogs. One dog used the bathroom, but we noticed there was something still stuck to his bottom. It was a large piece of clear plastic. :) He kept trying to go to the bathroom again to make it come off. Finally, he pulled it out with his teeth. One of the weirdest things I've seen. :)
Reply:I would be more worried about the plastic than the cookies.Fig's contain no chocolate,which is good,but all the sugar will probably give your dog diarrhea.I would be more concerned with the fact that the plastic may cause some sort of bowel obstruction.I would contact my vet and ask for his advice,bowel obstructions are extremely serious.
Reply:Call your vet right now..not sure about eating the plastic
Reply:Sounds like my guy - he should be okay - he may throw up (this would actually be good) or have soft (or runny) stool due to the sugar content, but not life threatning. Watch the stool for the plastic...just to be safe.
Reply:You'll have to check his do do, to see if the plastic comes out.

You should see the vet anyways, asap!!!, they'll probably medicate him to make him throw up.
Reply:He should be okay - just watch him, because he'll probably have a very upset tummy later. Try and let him out as soon as he looks like he might even have to go, because the poor dog will probably be pooping his brains out for the next week!
Reply:Ive had a labrador eat a whole bag of nestle chocolate chips

He lived

Every dog is diff.

vets are expensive

watch your dog, he'll probably have the runs
Reply:probably fine, dogs eat crayons, poop, grass, toilet water, pine sol, dogs are disgusting at times.

but i would call a vet about the plastic.
Reply:Yes, but take it to the vet about the plastic.
Reply:yes.but take it to the vet to make sure it is ok.
Reply:take him to the vet ASAP i mean it. The plastic can plug the intestines. Hurry.

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