Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How can I convince my mom to stop hiding fig newtons in my sock drawer. This is becoming quite the issue. Help

Let her hide them in the top of the closet, out of the way,so none of your friends will see it... oh, wait. Never mind. Are you worried because of the crumbs in yr socks, or what? Because those were so totally put there by the government to test your endurance.

How can I convince my mom to stop hiding fig newtons in my sock drawer. This is becoming quite the issue. Help
you poor boy, why don't you just eat all of the fig newtons so there won't be any left for her to put in your drawer .
Reply:Hide them in her drawer...give her a taste of her own meds....lmao fig newtons
Reply:Put a mouse in there. Unless that's who she's leaving the fig newtons for.
Reply:hahahah how old are you??lolololol
Reply:Why do you keep posting these questions in the baseball section?
Reply:Why don't you take the fig newtons and shove them up your @ss. Quit asking non baseball questions you moron.
Reply:There is a specific solution to your problem. You need to put half an oreo (with the cream filling sucked out, of course), and an oatmeal raisin cookie in her panty hose drawer. Then stand on your left foot until your mom turns into a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater, and the problem will be gone.
Reply:well u should start eating them and she wouldnt put them in their anymore

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