Saturday, February 11, 2012

What month is best to prune a fig tree?

Best done in the winter, when the tree has no leaves or for very young trees, right at the beginning of spring when there's little danger of frost %26amp; before new growth starts

Some excellent tips at this site:

See also

What month is best to prune a fig tree?
prune when dormant, no leaves and no new sprouts, usually late winter before spring growth starts.

remove the smaller of limbs that cross or touch.

remove limbs that point down. Open the center up enough that sunlight will penetrate the interior and ripen the fruit
Reply:In my area (zone 9) February is the best time. It is before the sap rises when the tree is dormant. Don't forget that it is easy to propagate more fig trees by sticking them (I do about 7 or so) in a 3 gallon pot w/ cheap soil. Put the pot in morning sun afternoon shade and when the leaves pop open, you know your baby fig trees will make it.

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